municipalities 2 - Weedtechnics

Satusteam™ keeps chemicals away from your communities and your local spaces.

We’ve helped municipal clients across Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA smoothly transition to our chemical free holistic weed control systems.

Safe weed control for sensitive areas

What can be safer than using regular water for weed control?

Chemical-free weeding in parks and playgrounds

Our Satusteam™ weed control systems are safe for all high visitation areas in and around the city.

No exposure to poisonous herbicides

The weed control technicians who use Satusteam™ are only exposed to steam.

The good news is, councils/municipalities across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US are choosing herbicide-free methods of weed control and over 60 of them chose Satusteam™ by Weedtechnics. Satusteam™ is a trailblazing organic weed control technology that combines the powers of saturated steam and boiling water and cooks weeds instantly on contact. There are no other chemicals, additives, toxins or poisons involved in the process. What hits the ground, kills the persistent weeds and vaporises in the air is just water and steam.

The Byron Shire Council in NSW, Australia, were happy to let us know “We are using the steam weeder in children’s playgrounds, retail areas of our towns and villages and other popular spaces such as picnic areas.” Here’s an article published by Echo on how Weedtechnics Satusteam™ is leading the herbicide-free weed control movement.

Why is Satusteam™ a suitable weed control solution?

Weedtechnics works with councils and local government agencies to help them get rid of notorious weeds. 60+ different Cities and Councils across Australia, USA, New Zealand and Canada are now satusteaming for non-toxic weed control.

As the risk of pesticides to children’s health is of increasing concern councils are targeting playgrounds for non-toxic weed control. They’ve found that Satusteam™ is also great for sanitising play equipment and artificial grass and rubber surfaces. Shopping and commercial strips with high public usage are a place where you can’t spray herbicides without closing down an area. A steam weeding technician can move through this zone with minimal disturbance. There is no need for notifications.

Councils have responsibility for weed control in their region, often working with volunteers. Using a Satusteam™ weeding machine means that staff, volunteers and waterways are not exposed to the risks of chemicals. That’s great risk reduction.

Treat weeds anywhere, and more

Our Satusteam™ weed control systems are able to safely and efficiently tackle weeds in parks, playgrounds, pavements, schools, hospitals, WSUDs, waterways and stormwater catchment areas. Councils and Municipalities are happy with their Satusteam™ contractors looking after weeding in high intensity traffic areas, destination points and locations with high pedestrian traffic.

In addition to top notch weed control, Satusteam™ offers the benefits of cleaning and sanitizing hard surfaces, as well. It is a handy tool to clean playground equipment and turf, concrete surfaces, metal and wooden walkways, moss-laden bricks and stone garden items, and even cars! It is an able wash-down unit to prevent the spread of weed seeds via vehicles.

What makes all this possible? Well, Satusteam™ is delivered at 118°C through our patented nozzles that depressurise it before releasing and that makes it suitable to use for cleaning and sanitizing without damaging surfaces.

Satusteam™ is tried and tested

The Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) is a progressive and innovative regional local government authority working on behalf of six member councils located in Perth’s eastern suburbs. By partnering with member councils the EMRC facilitates strategies and actions for the benefit and sustainability of Perth’s Eastern Region.

The EMRC recently received two lots of Government grants from the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW). One grant was for the purchase of a Weedtechnics SW700 (model discontinued from 2020), the second was to put 40 member council operatives through the steam weeding training provided by Jeremy Winer.

Click here to download a report on weed control with Satusteam™. (Note: The report is detailed and about 45 pages.)