Weed with speed and save
3x faster than hand weeding, Satusteam™ machines save you a considerable amount of manpower

Customisable to your needs
Each machine comes with a variety of attachments and accessories that are tailored to suit your business requirements

Perfect for large public areas
Parks, pavements, schools, equestrian and properties with large areas for weeding are easily covered under our wide range of solutions
Some of our early adopter customers have been contractors working in the regeneration of natural areas. Other contractors have had great success with treating the weeds in pavements and public areas with a high volume of pedestrian traffic – the problem that Satusteam™, a steam weed killer was created to solve.
Bushtekniq, a brother and sister team, Jono and Tali, operating near Brisbane, Qld, Australia, have developed a flourishing business working in with bush regeneration groups, providing education and steam weed control. They have found that use of the weed steamer alongside other holistic land management techniques enables efficient and effective long-term outcomes. They find that ‘It takes the hard work out of intensive hand weeding and allows us to run an ethical business' - Caring for Country.

Caring for people and country
Kerrie & Kristian and the crews at Aus Eco Solutions, have used Satusteam™ in the creation and maintenance of constructed wetlands – the last place where herbicides should be used. They also have staff trained in a range of integrated weed management techniques such as ecological burning, and find steam weed control a complementary part of their toolkit.
Andy and Tim of Weedsteamers have been contracting in weed control to councils across the Greater Melbourne area for many years. Their contracting has been focussed on playgrounds, pavement weeds near shopping centres, weeds in WSUD (water sensitive urban design) features designed to clean run-off, weeds adjoining waterways, or in community gardens.

No disturbance to Fitzroy’s cafe culture
Jono Grey of Greensteam Australia, based in Fremantle Western Australia has used the Weedtechnics machines to develop his business, winning council contracts by proving the value of an effective steam weed control machine. In a city where polluting the valued drinking water aquifer is being frowned upon, city officials are finding that the use of herbicide in their part of Australia is being questioned.
Across the globe Dan and Haley of Steam’n’weeds in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada have been balancing their business with winter ice and snow products and work and in spring and summer using Satusteam™ as a weed killer. Their focus is on parks and playgrounds. They are also the dealer for Weedtechnics in their region.
John and Connie of Rocky Mountains Steam N’ Weed in Colorado discovered the need for an organic weeding solution many years ago. They get to work outdoors keeping town streets weed free in some beautiful landscapes. They are the dealer for Weedtechnics in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Arizona.
When contractors are out and about, they get interest from the public who ask, ‘Is that a steam weed killer machine?’ The answer is. ‘We use the best one - Satusteam™ and really enjoy what we do.’

Hawaii is going green fast!
Robin Proctor of Weedsteam Hawaii has found a lot of public concern being voiced about the use of herbicides and interest from councils in hot steam weed control is growing.
We are happy that Weedtechnics Satusteam™ is able to make a difference!
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